Definder - what does the word mean?

What is ZOOMIN?

When you are beating your man's while on a zoom video call

I caught him Toobin Zooming on the call this morning.

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ZOOMIN - meme gif

ZOOMIN meme gif

ZOOMIN - video


ZOOMIN - what is it?

One of the most lit songs ever composed, by @Kushhead1. A diss track to loltyler1 (league streamer). And this song also delivers some of the hardest disses ever to be put on a song.

Some say not even Eminem could diss kushhead1 because his bars are unmatchable

Kushhead1: "aye, yuh, ooh
Aye yuh

ZoOmIn iN tHe FoReIgN, gOt ThE eNgInE rOaRiN"

Hardest diss: "smokin on cookie, you look like rookie, I might just bookie"

Loltyler1 Viewer: "Pure poetry at its best. Might go follow @kushhead1 on twitter"

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What does "ZOOMIN" mean?

Zoominator is someone who is amazing and is crazy who is also a perfect friend who is annoying at the same time but life without zoominator is horrible so if you know a zoominator you better look after that very special zoominator so if you know a zoominator your very fortunate and zoominators are a clan from the 3 century in a Empire which won’t be on google because google ain’t that smart and zoominator is a super strong with loads of speed but still hasn’t reached its full potential

Dam that zoominator is so amazing for fuck sake omg πŸ˜… I just love zoominators

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ZOOMIN - what does it mean?

Being under the influence of Nitrous Oxide, especially combined with cannabis use.

Me and complex were zoomin on some whippets.

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ZOOMIN - meaning

What you would say if something was really good.

That food was zoomin!
That player was zoomin!

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ZOOMIN - definition

A universal word for any verb, the verb form of zoom.

Why you always be zoomin?

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ZOOMIN - slang

To trip on speed or any other upper drug such as meth or coke.

Check it kid, I'm zoomin of the walls right now.

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a very fast exit or entrance fueled by intense desire

"man I'm so hungry, when the bell rings imma be zoomin"

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