Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Yuke's?

A Girl in which posesses an insaciable appetite for nagging people, often members of the opposite sex. A yuke biddy usually takes on certain characteristics including but not limited to; Blonde Hair,a compact physique, and an utterly annoying shrieky ass voice. Yuke Biddy's often have access to tons of money and are completely spoiled brats. Many of them are cock hungry and are always looking to get beat.

Yuke Biddy -"Nate, stop changing the channnel, thats soooo rude!"

Nate - "Shut up Yuke-Biddy"

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Yuke's - meme gif

Yuke's meme gif

Yuke's - video


Yuke's - what is it?

Pen name taken up by an asian female. Aside from writing, she is a fledging artist, specializing in monochrome works. When drawing, she favors mechanical pencils, black pens, permanent markers, and india ink.

Have you seen Magician Yuke's latest artwork?

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What does "Yuke's" mean?

To give head to another peorson

W: What happened last night?!
J: I heard he got a yuke boom
W: She boomed his yukes?!

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Yuke's - what does it mean?

Racial slur for "that kind of white person.

You know the kind.

Ugh look at the yuke?

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Yuke's - meaning

A hybrid word coined together by the words YUCK and PUKE.
An expression of ultimate disgust.

"Yuke! What an ugly sight!"
"Yuke i can't believe what i just saw."

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Yuke's - definition

To masturbate for an uncommonly long time. Common in the Canadian Territory of the Yukon to fight off the cold and boredom.

Ryan: Dude, where did Kristjan go? He's been gone for an hour.

Zac: Oh, he's just havin' a Yuke

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Yuke's - slang

penis, wiener, dick..etc

Mason went out last night and got his yuke boomed by michael.

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Throwing up, puking, tossing your cookies, blowing chunks, in short - vomiting.

After that New Year's Eve party, Kim spent all morning with her head hanging over the toilet. Boy, was she yuking! Haha!" -Billy

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jesus reincarnated. literally god.

you see him? that nigga is a yuke real shit.

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to puke
throw up

He yuked up the taco bell he had for dinner.

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