Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Your Ugly?

Sup bro

Your mum is ugly

👍25 👎11

Your Ugly - video


Your Ugly - what is it?

self exlpanitory..

your momma is...umm ugly

👍39 👎55

What does "Your Ugly" mean?

An insult, generally given as a comeback after another stupid insult.

"Your shirt is ugly."
"Well, your FACE is ugly."

👍77 👎19

Your Ugly - what does it mean?

Exactly what it sounds like

Hey! go "shove it up your ugly ass."

👍43 👎15

Your Ugly - meaning

Quote from the video Big Bell Hell's

Find a better deal? SHOVE IT UP YOUR UGLY ASS! That's right! SHOVE IT UP YOUR UGLY ASS!!

👍61 👎15

Your Ugly - definition

1. You have an ugly

2. People who could not come up with a good insult and use "your" instead of "you're"

1. Guy1: Hey your ugly

Guy2: My ugly? I have an ugly?

2. Person1: lol look at that dumb person over there trying to insult me using "your ugly"

person2: Your ugly

👍113 👎53