Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Yom?

Short for moulinyam which is Italian for eggplant. What Italians call blacks.

That neighborhood is loaded with yom-yoms.

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Yom - meme gif

Yom meme gif

Yom - video


Yom - what is it?

The sound made by sucking hard on a cock, while giving a blow job.

Can also be used if you want to give a blow job to someone and you want to be discrete

Clare wanted to suck his cock hard and was desparate to watch him cum while yom yom'ing on his cock

As she sucked hard on my cock, all I could hear was yom yom yom

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What does "Yom" mean?

Hiking at night; accessories advised for this adventure are your yoming boots, yoming crop, yoming gloves, hat and protective face gear. It is best to remove all jewelry before yoming, and be sure to shower before and after yoming excursion. anything found while yoming you can keep to yourself or show to others.

i went yoming the other day, LOL *yom*

i thought you lost your yoming crop!
you only need that when we're riding camels, you know that!

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Yom - what does it mean?

yum in a sexual context

"dahm she is yom"

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Yom - meaning

... i am cuming now ... thats all.

see definition

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Yom - definition

Greatness. Yom can be used in almost any context that is intense or exiting. Sometimes it is used to express great/strong emotion. YOM!

Yom can also be used as "yommy!" like, "yummy" but better.

Nata: SO today I was in, like biokariology.... YOM
Ren: YOMMMMMM!!!!!! (continuous sounds of "o" and "m"

The end

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Yom - slang

Yom is a usually known to people as a female name, coming from a black descent. In this case the name β€˜Yom’, is often described as a beautiful tall women who eats lots of foods but it is never indicated through her body. She is mostly introvert around people she is not yet used to or just met. However, when she is around friends it’s another story. She is what you call organised but at times her work can fall out of place causing her up-tight personality. When you first meet her you may view her as extremely quiet and however, as you begin to understand her you’ll begin to realised she is not shy but she is only ever quiet. Overall Yoms’ are viewed as a pretty, funny females with a bright future ahead of themselves.

Look at that beautiful girl called Yom. Damn she fine

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1. To chew with your mouth open whilst talking and spitting food all over your desk/keyboard
2. To blatantly talk over people and disregard what they're saying, and then probably steal their ideas and use them later anyway.

1. Fuck me, Tony's yomming again, I've got to leave...
2. Let's get out of here before we get yommed.

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A Phrase Used to express delight in eating

YOM, YOM, so YOMMY!!!!!!, This Cheese is just Pure YOM

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An individual who is mentally sub-normal / retarded.

That guy in the rubber hat looks like a bit of a yom!

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