Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Yodie Land?

The place Damianluck925 aka fulcrum goes when he gets high.

I'm bout to take a trip to yodi land

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Yodie Land - video


Yodie Land - what is it?

Your weed happy place. If you’re in Yodie land you’re probably tweaking off that good za. Yodie land is a term created by the youtuber β€œdamianluck925”, otherwise known as β€œfulcrum”

Yo gang I’m in Yodie land right now bro

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What does "Yodie Land" mean?

"yodie land is to be in the present moment, clearing your mind and being your fullest self" - Damian Luck

"Yea Im somewhere out in Yodie Land, blowing pack all kinds of strands" -Fulcrum while he was on a train to Yodie Land

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Yodie Land - what does it mean?

Faded than a hoe, faded than a hoe, faded than a hoe.

Preparing for my voyage to yodie land.

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Yodie Land - meaning

Where you go when getting faded than a hoe.

Pass the penjamin i'm tryna go to Yodie Land.

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Yodie Land - definition

where u go when ur high asab

friend 1: yo bro did the Benadryl kick in?
friend 2: *somewhere on yodie land*

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Yodie Land - slang

Where you go when you obliterated than a hoe
Inhabitants include Fulcrum and Snoop Dogg

Finna get sent to Yodie Land.

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Yodie Land

The state of which a person is extremely under the influence of marijuana, phrase originated from damianluck925

yo i saw fulcrum in class today that guy was in yodie land

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