Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Yitz?

A handsome looking gentleman of Semitic origin. Often of magnetic personality and can carry a crowd. Woman search hi and low for the Yitz and his charm but he is rare to be found

Bianca is very picky she inky wants to marry a Yitz

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Yitz - meme gif

Yitz meme gif

Yitz - video


Yitz - what is it?

A heart breaker who will leave you and get with a new guy almost immediately. She will most likely play you

Damn dude yitzely played me

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What does "Yitz" mean?

A banger. The epitome of good food and good service.

Yitz & Dan's Cafe

The food and Service and Yitz & Dan’s Cafe was a banger.

Sammy’s is only half a Yitz and Dan’s Cafe because they have good food but their service is mad bad.
Yitz & Dan’s Cafe was a banger. And the epitome of good food and good service

Yitz & Dan's Cafe: β€œA banger. The epitome of good food and good service.”

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Yitz - what does it mean?

To mess/interfere with someone or something.

Kim: "Saul yitzes Howard every chance he gets!"
Howard: "Stop yitzing me, Jimmy!"
Saul: "It's not Jimmy, it's Saul now! #GetYitzed"

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Yitz - meaning

A very obvious, clumsily made scam.
One who makes such scams.

He really thinks I'm going to pay that much for a box of random things that come once a month in the mail, what a yitz!!

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Yitz - definition

is a street word for cocaine or can be used as a negative response

Yo you wanna do yitz tonight? yitz!

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Yitz - slang

A woman who is loud and vain, yet mentally feeble. Akin to ditz.

Like, what a yitz.

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