Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Yack's?

a synonym for fucked, stupid or any insult towards a persons mental ability

hes yacked, lets go

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Yack's - what is it?

A word used exclusevly in the Edinburgh area (Scotland) meaning eyes.

"She hates it when I jizz in her yacks"

"it hit me right in the yack"

👍141 👎65

What does "Yack's" mean?

to talk continuously, especially informally

All that Edward does is talk yack.

Edward: it's kinda like the idea of dog years
you know like a dog is 5, but it's actually like 30 in dog years
there should be some kind of conversion for girls to guys cause you know, girls kind of peak early
so like a 26 year old guy is like an 18 year of girl

Less yack, more work.

👍103 👎43

Yack's - what does it mean?

to throw up due to intoxication.

last night krumples spent the night by the toliet. that's why we call her Mrs. Yack-Yack

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Yack's - meaning

Abbreviation of Cognac - i.e. expensive Brandy. Alcoholic beverage

me and my brothers sipping yack

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Yack's - definition

verb. Meaning to throw up or vomit.

I am going to yack on your sweater.

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Yack's - slang

in referance the Lil Jon & The East Side Boyz song "Da Blow" where the hook states "the blow, the pills, the yack, the herb". The term "yack" is actually referring to cognac (pronounced: "cone-yack"). So in essence the song is referring to the blow (cocaine), the pills (ecstacy and/or pharmacutical), the yack (cognac), the herb (marijuana). Which covers all the most common methods of getting fucked up.
In less urban environments, the term is more commonly used to describe the act of vomiting.
noun: yack means congac
verb: yack means to vomit

Da blow, da pills, da yack, da herb... (repeat)
I drank too much, I think I'm gonna yack.

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to throw up, usually after drinking

I drank too much tonight, I just yacked behind his shed

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to vomit after drinking heavily

i hela yacked all that brandy

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If you throw up Jack Daniels in a Spanish speaking country. In English you would Yack Jack, however Spanish people pronounce words starting with J as Y, hens Yack Yack.

(Dude throwing up Jack Daniels in Cancun when a local is around and sees)

Dudes Friend: Where did my buddy go?

Mexican Local: Oh, he Yack Yack Senior.

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