Definder - what does the word mean?

What is YUMMO?

the sexiest man alive even tho hes a monkey

i love fucking yummo whickersham

👍27 👎11

YUMMO - meme gif

YUMMO meme gif

YUMMO - video


YUMMO - what is it?

very delicious. created by michelle stevens my bpfl :D

omfg edgar that cookie dough is yummo.

👍65 👎117

What does "YUMMO" mean?

yummo- from the root word 'yum' (a phrase used to compliment the delicious food that has or will grace your tongue with its presence) with an added suffix of 'mo' (meaning method of operation) to show that yum is the way you do things

YUMMO most delicious apple.

👍81 👎47