Definder - what does the word mean?

What is YT people?

โ€œYt people shit activitiesโ€ has no race. โ€œYt people shitโ€ is a way of living, as a byproduct of moving like you have no sense or healthy concern due to privilege. Anyone can engage in some stupid yt ppl shit.

That 250k submarine with no way out is undoubtedly, some yt people shit.

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YT people - video


YT people - what is it?

Humans that don't know what spices are.

Kevin: hey this chicken is really spicy !
Anika: yes I think there's to much salt.
Ashante: istg these yt people....

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What does "YT people" mean?

white people.

Anna: โ€œyt people want to oppressed so bad.โ€
Tyler: โ€œthey really be doing the mostโ€
Anna: โ€œfrโ€

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YT people - what does it mean?

Slang for White People. โ€˜ytโ€™ when said individually can sound like the word โ€˜whiteโ€™

Most people who use this phrase are to some degree using it in a disagreeable way.

Sofia: this YT people bumped into me at the store! The nerve of YT people!

Fernanda: uh are arenโ€™t you white, Sofia?

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