Definder - what does the word mean?

What is YOU'RE GAY?

An idiom, developed in the late 1800's, that nowadays is used in the literal sense: that the person saying this, is telling the person receiving that their mother, is in fact a homosexual, or merely as an insult, that makes no literal sense. But in its half century (or so) of use was in the actual sense of an idiom; in that it could be used in a slightly more nonlinear sense.

My analysis of the idiom:
I first like to look at the use of the work "you're" which is the contraction of the words "you are," which I can believe is a way to really emphasize how personal the use of the phrase can be. Then there's the word "mom," the person who birthed you, the reason that you're currently on this world. Now many people are upset whenever you talk about their mother in a negative sense, and since this is right before the word "gay," whose definition relates to being attracted to the same sex which is taboo in culture today, and was much more in previous centuries, many believe this to have a negative connotation while in conjunction with the word "mom." But I find it to have been used in a much lighter sense in previous centuries, not being used as an insult, but more a compliment generally meaning "your mother is quite lighthearted," since gay isn't just a way as classifying someone as being attracted to the same sex, but also as an adjective to describe a good experience, or a nice person.

"Wow, Dave. Your Mom's really nice. You could say 'you're mom gay'."
"Thanks, John, she'd love to hear that."

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YOU'RE GAY - video


YOU'RE GAY - what is it?

Used as an insult. This insult will obliterate the opposition. But be warned, for they might use the holy words No u

Person 1: Haha ya fuckin' cunt i'ma bring ya tah da glue factoray I swear tah god.
Horse: You're mom gay.
P1: No u.
*Horse fucking explodes*

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What does "YOU'RE GAY" mean?

The best lyrics ever (also not homophobic at all, regardless of what straight people think)

That’s fine I'll tell mine you're gay - Taylor Swift

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YOU'RE GAY - what does it mean?

you may think this is an insult but you are wrong (failure)
when you say "you're gay sir" the other person will hear "good day sir"
and IF they reply with " good day to you too sir" that is what the person will hear... they will not hear "you're gay sir",

don't get mixed up with good day sir

person 1: "you're gay sir"
person 2: "good day to you too sir!"

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YOU'RE GAY - meaning

say this to your friends or in a conversation if you have nothing to say

friend: *walking with you and saying nothing*

me: "when you're gay"

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YOU'RE GAY - definition

a much more sensible insult over "you're mom gay" or "your mom gay"

Bill: you're mom gay lol
Bob: you're gay mom
Bill: *jumps off 5 story tower*

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YOU'RE GAY - slang

what you say to someone of the opposite sex that you have zero romantic interest in. a more polite way of saying it's not you, it's me.

Sorry Joe, but you're gay to me.

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Response when asked a dumb why question

Max: Why is Wawa closed?
Jane: Because you're gay.

Kat: Why did you sleep with my boyfriend?
Lisa: Because you're gay.

Jimmy: Daddy, why don't you love me?
Dad: Because you're gay.

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to say that one is homosexual; queer; gay; is a fag or faggot

Damn botty mon Johnny, you're a chitch

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Yes, you are very gay.

You're gay for even searching this.

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