Definder - what does the word mean?

What is YORGI?

A rather exclusive gathering of Yale students or alumni, typically under nefarious or dubious circumstances.

“Haven’t been to New Haven since I graduated in ‘69... Want to swing by the old frat mansion for a yorgy tonight?”

“I went to that show at Toad’s last night, but had to leave early. It was a yorgy in there!”

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YORGI - video


YORGI - what is it?

An orgy run by a yogi

I went to a yoga class but at the end it turned into a yorgi!

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What does "YORGI" mean?

A term coined in Baltimore Maryland by the artist Uwem
It is used as an alternative for "Whatever/its Cool". Also may be used as a casual greeting

Example 1:
Adam: The tickets to the Beyonce concert are sold out bro!
Uwem: Welp! Yorgie Smorgie!

Example 2:
Uwem: "Yorgie Smorgie! It's your favorite talk show host Dopp L Ganger"

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YORGI - what does it mean?

A Yogscast orgy.

Hey, let's go back to my place, we can have a Yorgy.

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YORGI - meaning

a "meeting" at TURP's flat.

we all had a yorgy

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YORGI - definition

The ultimate epitomy of a smoking hot girl

"Just hooked up with the dardy Italian yorgi last night boi "

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YORGI - slang

An orgy comprised of yordles, a small anthropomorphic species from Bandle City, in the world of Runeterra, in the League of Legends universe.

Rumble: "Hey, Teemo! We missed you at the party last week. It was lots of fun. We got drunk and things got pretty crazy, and by the end of it it practically turned into one big yorgy. Tristana was getting real friendly with all the guys, if you know what I mean"

Teemo: "..."

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A Yogscast orgy

I've been in so many yorgys because of the donations

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A yogscast orgy

I've had so much pussy from all the yorgys ive had since the jingle jam

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A type of feeling or emotions that Andrew Jayce Heimendinger experiences. An experience of emotions that include a combination of drunkness, sadness, and horniness

Oh shit. Maria Brown is at this party. Dinger's about to go full Yorgi tonight.

Dude, Dinger is going off on Haley right now. What a Yorgi!

Hey Yorgi! Don't eat those peanuts!

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