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What is Xasthur?

A one man depressive black metal band from alhambra california. Associated acts include Sun O))), Twilight (not the gay vampires), and Celestia. Active from 1995 to 2010.

Guy 1:Hey man whats wrong?
Guy 2:My girlfriend just broke up with me.
Guy 1:That sucks dude.
Guy 2:Im so depressed, im just gonna listen to xasthur and forget about it all.

👍129 👎17

Xasthur - meme gif

Xasthur meme gif

Xasthur - video


Xasthur - what is it?

Something that will probably end up on your sisters iPod.

Check out this new band I just downloaded, Xasthur!

👍281 👎105