Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Wunda?

big dumb dumb. Also like a wunda_kundigan.

omg ur a wunda

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Wunda - meme gif

Wunda meme gif

Wunda - video


Wunda - what is it?

The most beautiful girl youโ€™ve ever seen with dark skin and a nice figure who all the boys fall for but she doesnโ€™t see it and always goes for the ones who will never treat her right then gets her heart broken because of it. No matter the situation wunda is always making a joke or being the centre of attention and with out no doubt she is always leaving an impact whether that is in sport or just in general.

Person 1 : whoโ€™s that dark skin girl about to score over there?

Person 2 : oh thatโ€™s wunda, all the boys fall for her

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What does "Wunda" mean?

Kid Wunda is a musical artist who has released only a handful of songs however, he is definitely one to keep your eyes on as he creates new, fire music. Wunda stands for Win Until Nobody Doubts Again.

lately I've been listening to Kid Wunda

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