Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Worsh?

How mouthbreathers pronounce the word wash.

Worsh your hands!

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Worsh - what is it?

To wash. Western Pennsylvania slang, mostly Pixberg. Usually Laundry or Dishes.

Worsh the dishes or else we are eating off da floor again

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What does "Worsh" mean?

Worsh is a person who is kind in everything he does. He never fails to make you laugh. He can be corny and sarcastic at times but that what makes him even better. When he smiles everyone around him can’t help but smile with him. Worsh will always be there for you, through the good and bad. He is probably one of the most trustworthy person you will meet. He will never judge you for anything. You will never have a bad day if Worsh is there.

β€œHey did you see Worsh the other day?”
β€œNah man I didn’t.”
β€œYou missed it man, Worsh said the funniest joke the other day, it had me crying.”

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Worsh - what does it mean?

To wash a cup without the use of soap.

Steve said that he worshes his mug all the time but he insists that he doesn't use soap.

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