Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Working Class?

Shane Rowan

"A working class hero is something to be", John Lennon

👍141 👎191

Working Class - video


Working Class - what is it?

The working class man can be described by these characteristics High visibility shirt, PPE equipment (steel cap boots hard hat etc) dirty muzzle, cigarette in your mouth tailored or rolled, often cheap and nasty tattoos you can barely see Ice break is a necessity throughout your shift. Working class jobs are anything on a construction site or a steal mill. The working class man just makes enough to get by and never thinks about tomorrow. The only music he listens to is AC DC and jimmy Barnes everything else garbage. Being a working class man also means you've always gotta find time on a Friday and the weekend to go drink at the pub with your mates and often brawl.

Jimmy Barnes IS the working class man

Jimmy Barnes working class man 1985

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What does "Working Class" mean?

A Juggalo, though still dirty and white trash, that works and has a strong work ethic and attendance record.

Josh Cleaverhands has a 9-5 job selling car insurance. He's a working class juggalo.

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Working Class - what does it mean?

A person who has given up there dreams for a realistic life in the working middle class to provide for his/her family.

My artwork got me no where, the bills pilled up so i was forced to get a job at the post office. Now i guess i'm a working class hero, for what ever thats worth.

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Working Class - meaning

poor people

working class people work low paying jobs and dont care

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Working Class - definition

The cheapest seats on aeroplanes, trains, boats etc.

(Tannoy): " Could customers with first-class tickets please progress directly to the VIP lounge where you will be greeted with champagne and cocktails."

"Those with working class tickets should turn right on boarding the aircraft, where they will be greeted by sour-faced lags and wedged into a chair with zero legroom, between a screaming three year old and a forty-stone one-eyed prostitute. Thank you"

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Working Class - slang

Working class is the politically correct phrase used to describe people without a college degree. Journalists fear using phrases that will sound like they're calling someone uneducated, so they hide what they mean through the phrase working class (co-opted from the Marxists). This allows people to feel like tough blue collar laborers down in the coal mines when in actuality they're probably working in retail.

Working class can refer to either the degree-less people, or to the jobs typically occupied by them. Some, but not most, working class people move their way up through the ranks and make decent pay. If they really strike it rich they may no longer be proletariat common people in typical working class jobs. This confuses pollsters who don't have a word to describe millionares without college degrees.

After the election, droves of reporters could be seen helicoptering in from NYC to interview members of the white working class (WWC) in diners across the state.

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Working Class

People who work low paying demeaning jobs. They barely make any money and have a hard time making ends meet. They usually end up quitting their low paying job and going on welfare which is a class lower than that.

Sonny's dad couldn't pay to fix his roof because he's working class.

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Working Class

A trotskyist's objectification of everyone who is not a socialist and needs leadership.

We must organize the working class.

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Working Class

The working class are people that have to work jobs that are either monotonous and demeaning or dangerouns and dirty. Many of them work with little payment or high job insecurity in assembly lines and on highways, but some make more money than their upper-middle class white collar bretheren. I've met some people that are blue collar, yet live in a large house next to doctors and businessmen in a subdivision, retired at 50, and drive new cars. Many of them have a similar standard of living to the middle class and after years of work (depending on career), get above-median incomes, meaning that with two income-earners could have six-figure incomes. Unfortunately, that is only a small percentage. A lot of them loose their jobs, homes, and end up in poverty.

The working class are the muscle of america.

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