Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Wibble Wobble?

When the writers of Doctor Who are too lazy to write plot points.

β€œIt’s like a big ball of Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey… stuff.”

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Wibble Wobble - video


Wibble Wobble - what is it?

A phrase used by seniors and middle-aged men to describe the Intertubes.

Use of this phrase is generally considered an indicator that the person using it is attempting to appear hip while really out-of-touch with the zeitgeist.

In the UK the phrase has gained widespread popularity among many readers of The Sun, The Daily Mail, The Star and the Express. And therefore those using the phrase are often chastised for their old-fogeyness.

Foo: "I was surfing the Wibbly Wobbly Web the other day and the most beautiful hem sown curtains."

Bar: "Dude!! No! Just No!"

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What does "Wibble Wobble" mean?

Slang for a plug used in a sink.

"Oi where's the wibbly wobbly water stoppy? I need to do the dishes"

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Wibble Wobble - what does it mean?

When u jump and ur fat wobbles and wibbles

Look at sam his belly is going wibble wobble

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Wibble Wobble - meaning

see Squibly Skwobly

The floor is all wibbly wobbly

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Wibble Wobble - definition

A way to describe time-y wimey stuff.

The Tenth Doctor from Doctor Who: "A big ball of wibbly wobbly, timey wimey stuff"

Random person: wtf are u talking about dude?

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Wibble Wobble - slang

The act of losing all sense of balance or completely wiping out while on a distance run. It is completely acceptable to laugh at one for experiencing this unfortunate event.

Every time I run in my spikes during a race, I take one wrong step and my legs lose all control and I experience a wibbly wobble.

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Wibble Wobble

On the edge of losing control.Slipping or sliding badly.
One's balance nearly lost or beyond retrieving.

"when E' came round that bend,Is' motorbike was gettin' all
wibbly wobbly nex'ta the Kerb!"

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Wibble Wobble

A definition pertaining to male genitalia, for it "wibble wobbles"

Ima smack dat ho wif my Wibble Wobble!

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Wibble Wobble

A phrase used to deliberately confuse, confound or befuddle a person with little or no grasp of the English language, who is employed in a job or position where the speaking and the comprehension of English is of paramount importance.

Its use is more effectively enhanced in a sentence, which utilizes other complicated or easily misunderstood words

Gas attendant: What now you want me?

Motorist: My good man, could you direct me, expeditiously if you please, to Wibble Wobble Ave?


Busboy: Can I help to you much?

Diner: Yes my dear fellow, we require forthwith, more bread rolls and a commodious pitcher of iced Wibble Wobble.

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