Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Wheel up?

when you shit your pants and messy and hard

Oh shit think just had 18 wheel lock up

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Wheel up - video


Wheel up - what is it?

To stick your dick and balls into a pussy at the same time

Ive been getting the back wheels up a fair bit lately on my new cum rag

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What does "Wheel up" mean?

Clearly everyone should be hip to this. If the wheels are up, one is trying to get with someone. There's different stages. If the wheels are down, one is not trying to get with someone.

"Bro, I clearly went wheels up!"

"Clearly you're tapped!, she's way out of your league!"

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Wheel up - what does it mean?

After a wealthy, major sports figure is put out of contention he/she exits on their private plane

Tiger missed the cut at the U.S. Open and he was wheels up Friday afternoon

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Wheel up - meaning

The point in a journey where you have officially left your starting point and begun traveling to your destination. Your bags are loaded, your kids are strapped in, your fully gassed up, food is packed, and you can officially announce your ETA. For people who run late all the time, this communicates that you have completed procrastinating and are done going back inside to grab β€œone more thing”. It comes from aviation jargon where your wheels leave the runway and you can fold up the landing gear.

In order to arrive at the park by noon, we need to be wheels up by 11:30!
OK, homie, I am finally wheels up, be there in 10 minutes.

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Wheel up - definition

Originally stemmed from military jargon; means to depart from or leave an area or place, particularly via airplane.

I'm wheels up tomorrow.

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Wheel up - slang

the time or point when a plan or operation is executed. it comes from the military to describe when a plane lifts off to start a deployment, at that point an operation is considered hot (officially started).

We have to be packed and ready to go by 7:30 so we can be wheels up by 8.

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Wheel up

The phrase that fictional character Aaron Hotchner declares once choosing a case to investigate in the hit CBS show 'Criminal Minds'.

Once stating 'Wheels Up' the team go off to kick un-sub ass! Also, they always win.

'Aaron Hotchner take us back... WHEELS UP!'

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Wheel up

Another word for rewind in DJing terms

wheel up and come again my selecta

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