Definder - what does the word mean?

What is What the piss?

June 7th
The time to tell someone what they did to make you angry.
Don't be shy, be honest!

Person 1: Hey, I know that you slept with my wife!
Person 2: Why are you telling me this?!?
Person 1: It's 'Tell Someone What They Did to Piss You Off' Day

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What the piss - video


What the piss - what is it?

This is when you don’t know what to do or say so you respond with β€œwhat can you do piss Nb your shoe”. It is a very versatile saying.

Shannon: oh well!

Leah: what can ya do
Shannon: what can you do piss in your shoe

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What does "What the piss" mean?

Term used by Air Force drill sergents. Used primarily because it is not deemed as a "curse" word. When hearing this term for the first time, you will be in a state of shock being it just doesnt sond right. By the end of Boot Camp , you will use this term in everyday conversations.

Stew: John is a reservist and got a 34,000$ reenlistment bonus

Me: I only got 2,000$, and I am going to Iraq! "What the piss!"

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