Definder - what does the word mean?

What is What i did?

something you say when you want to say yes, but you'd be to ashamed to say it directly

Johny: anne? Did you cheat on me last night? Anne: What if i did?

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What i did - video


What i did - what is it?

The question you ask yourself or your friends after a night of heavy drinking. Often, you do not want to hear the response, but need to know if you should apologize to anyone or get checked for STDs.
You usually spend the rest of the day dwelling on the events of the past night and slapping yourself on the head saying "doh!"

yo what did i do last night?
Danced with some drunk chick on stage at the bar and busted your ass

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What does "What i did" mean?

Search up this question

You: what did I do wrong

Me: live

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What i did - what does it mean?

An overly used phrase popular on YouTubes comment section. Often used after someone watched a weird YouTube video.

β€œWhat did I just watch?” ... the comment usually gets thousands of likes.

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What i did - meaning

Used when someone does the exact opposite of what you just told them not to do. Often used in alarm when someone does something irrational and doesn't think about their action until afterwords.

Tom says : Wait for the water to start boiling then put the Pasta in
Timothy puts the pasta immediately into the pot without waiting
Tom looks at Timothy blankly and says : What did I just say?! I said to wait.

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What i did - definition

A phrase used by gamers to imply they have done something right. If someone says this it usually means they probably pawned the shit out of everyone in a free-for-all or team game. In the eyes of a gamer this is considered a great triumph.

*Killionaire,Perfection,Sniper Spree,Unfreakinbelieveable*

SmallSplash "Whats that? Did i break it?

Shawnyboy "Oh shit dude"

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What i did - slang

your mom

what i did last night?? your mom...

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What i did

What every black person says when they get busted on COPS.

Black man as he is thrown to the ground on a typical episode of cops:
Man what I did?

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