Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Watton?

The home of a real Queen who nobody boring knows about because she ain't no fking monarch, she's a Queen of banter.

I need a chuckle, i'm off to watton.

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Watton - meme gif

Watton meme gif

Watton - video


Watton - what is it?

Scum of the earth. Home of the chavs

Home of Ben and his trucker caps!

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What does "Watton" mean?

Chav/townie/old people central

Shi**Ty dump in Hertfordshire full of chav's and simon

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Watton - what does it mean?

home of simon and his TKmax style

Check out my 20p tee, blinging mate cmon

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Watton - meaning

Breasts: the upper ventral region of the torso of a primate, in left and right sides, which in a female contains the mammary gland that secretes milk.

Look at the wattons on her mate

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Watton - definition

To spectacularly break or 'screw up' something which was quite happily working until this point

Wow, that's been Wattoned!!
Has he gone and Wattoned it again?!
You know when you've been Wattoned!

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