Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Wanna-be's?

when someone is a wanna-be they put themselves through a lot of stress to become that person they can never fully be. They focus on this task to become this person they want to become that they end up having stress from it. They can never truly be themselves. They try so hard they act like they are a professional on day 1 of trying to complete the task of becoming someone they can't.

i have a friend who moved from the north to down here in the south and just discovered how to peal crawfish but kept calling it crayfish and when i pointed it out my friend said "oh yeah I know I'm just messing with you guys. I pealed crawlfish all the time back home." Clearly my friend didn't know how to pronounce crawfish or that y'all was a word. My friend wants to fit in so bad to the southern culture he is a wanna-be southerner.

👍31 👎13

Wanna-be's - meme gif

Wanna-be's meme gif

Wanna-be's - video


Wanna-be's - what is it?

White people who act like black people. IE: Rap, wear bling, buy and wear hoodies, and say the N word repedatly around black people.

White guy: Yo dogz, I just been sittin up in tha hood pimpin' up my bitches, foo!

Black guy 1: We gonna cap yo ass, sucka'.
Black guy 2: Racist cracka'.
Black guy 1: Damn Wanna Be's.

👍55 👎33

What does "Wanna-be's" mean?

Someone who wants to be a gangsta

that kid chris huff is a wanna-be

👍77 👎49

Wanna-be's - what does it mean?

Short for the question, "Do you want to?"

Tyrone was drunk was bounced from the bar. He was yelling to everybody he saw on the street,"Wanna fuck?"

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Wanna-be's - meaning

another way of asking

you wanna grab that beer in the fridge bruh

👍43 👎19

Wanna-be's - definition

short for want to

wanna fuck?

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Wanna-be's - slang

Another person trying to imitate another. Most of the time for "popularity" or to get rid of their insecurity.
Wanna be Goth, Wanna be Prep... etc.

Jamiey is such a wanna be!

👍225 👎69


Desperate person who wants another persons identity so does a pathetic impersonation lame

Get yo big I wanna be Mike face....

👍443 👎129


a person who acts like someone that they are not. also see moron

jeff is such a wanna be.

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Short for want to.

Wanna get some beaver?

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