Definder - what does the word mean?

What is WMAF?

Wheezing Your Ass Off. When you’re laughing so hard, that you begin wheezing so hard.

“ I’m WMAF rn sis, the tea is hot”.
“Girl sameeee”

👍173483 👎53217

WMAF - meme gif

WMAF meme gif

WMAF - video


WMAF - what is it?

WMAF stands for a White Male Asian Female and refers to a couple in an interracial relationship.

Interracial relationships like this are considered controversial to some people, especially those who think that people should date their own race. Some people claim that a White Male Asian Female relationship is racist, while others think that the people who oppose interracial relationships are actually the racist ones.

People get into interracial relationships for a variety of reasons, and these reasons vary by person to person. Interracial relationships allow people to choose mates based on personal preferences and expand the number of potential mates beyond what is in their own race.

There seem to be more WMAF couples these days. I wonder what the attraction is.

👍499 👎2749

What does "WMAF" mean?

White Male Asian Female

Often used to describe the interracial relationship between the two. WMAF is the most popular interracial coupling in the world. This pairing often triggers insecure Asian males (see other wmaf definitions)

Abby: I see so many WMAF couples nowadays I wonder why that is.
Susan: Yeah I noticed that too, wonder why that is.
Abby: Seems like Asian girls don't like Asian boys.

👍4021 👎15873

WMAF - what does it mean?

White male Asian female relationship, there is nothing wrong with WMAF relationships they are normal relationships, Though many leftist because of their hatred for white men, they see this form of relationship as some form of evil to be extinguish.

Oh hey, there's Dan and Amy. (a WMAF relationship)

👍2549 👎7095

WMAF - meaning

an abbreviation for a type of racial pairing. likely first came up as a hashtag on porn websites, and due to such sites made the way for the abbreviation to be more recognized outside such areas. may be a fetish, hashtag, or just a general description of a couple.

often shamed by those who are against miscegenation, and other bigots. their main issue seems to be the WM portion of the pairing. comparing the AF portion to having stockholm syndrome, and believing it to spit in the face of AMAF racially pure pairings. this attitude often comes from the west, although the east can be just as discriminatory. this discrimination of the westerners is most often found among the older xenophobic generations. while the wests discrimination appears to have its roots in a younger generation, it doesn't appear to be xenophobic, but more of a strange projection of their own feelings onto the couple.

#1: i searched WMAF on xhamster, but couldn't find the actress i was really wanting.

#2: my friend was in a WMAF relationship, and his girlfriend cried when she saw what people thought of them online.

👍7837 👎18897

WMAF - definition

White Male Asian Female.

WMAF has entered pop culture consciousness thanks to prominent celebrities entering WMAF relationships, such as Woody Allen, Mike Cernovich, Andrew Anglin and Tila Tequila.

A stereotypical trope of WMAF is the male partner is an alt-right winger who dislikes white women and believes in stereotypes of subservient Asian women, paired together with a female partner who believes in Hollywood and Disney.

Mike: I'm not racist, I am in a WMAF relationship.

Celeste: That's beautiful. Love transcends boundaries. You are courageous for being so progressive.

👍277483 👎300599

WMAF - slang

White Male Asian Female.

The interracial relationship between a White Man and Asian Woman.

Look at that beautiful WMAF couple over there, they look so good together!

👍287059 👎228465


White male Asian female.

An interracial relationship between an Asian women and a White man. The most popular interracial pairing in the world.

Andrea: I've been seeing a lot of WMAF couples lately, I wonder why that is.
Kelly: Me too, maybe its something in the air lmao
Andrea: Almost all the asian girls I know are with White men, they look really good together.

👍306375 👎205401


White male Asian Female couple.

Look at that WMAF couple over-there.

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