Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Vinit?

name of a legend a good person very kind person and a billionaire

girl 1:who is that rich guy
girl 2:his name must be vinit

👍127 👎13

Vinit - meme gif

Vinit meme gif

Vinit - video


Vinit - what is it?

When you shred someones booty cheeks on december 23rd for a good holly christmas cheer. Can also be done on the night before christmas, but be careful don't let santa catch you or he will give you a hardy holly jolly christmas with one of his toys.

Man- yo its december 23rd!

Other Man- Ok just vinitate me already.
Man - alright ill be quick so santa doesnt see us.

👍105 👎11

What does "Vinit" mean?

The most handsome guy in the world. sometimes he can be annoying and sometimes he can be fun but he will always be there for you no matter what

This guy probably has a 2kd and better than everyone at any game. He also isn't fake and is the most loyal guy anyone can know. He's a g.

Damn is that vinite

👍25 👎11

Vinit - what does it mean?

He is a brown boy who wont stop talking about Fortnite and is a really annoying person to be around, he is rude, disrespectful and is utterly annoying

Vinit is really annoying

👍39 👎201

Vinit - meaning

A brown boy who thinks he's good. They are extremely racist, and rude to everyone. They are the type of people to play fortnite and be in one of those clickbait youtube videos. Along with this Vinit's are usually very short, and untalented and stupid.

Dude, Vinit's are so wack!!!!

👍43 👎201

Vinit - definition

A brown boy who thinks he's good. They are extremely racist, and rude to everyone. They are the type of people to play fortnite and be in one of those clickbait youtube videos. Along with this Vinit's are usually very short, and untalented and stupid.

Dude, Vinit's are so wack!!!!

👍57 👎217

Vinit - slang

an Indian person who is tolerant and loves to play guitar and laugh


an Indian person who is tolerant and loves to play guitar and laugh

👍247 👎97


A technology, glasses-wearing nerd by day and hip, hot deejay by night.

OMG, please get off your computer - you're being such a Vinit.

👍221 👎69


A brown man who only knows 2 songs on Rock Band, but every lyric to any T-pain song ever written. A Vinit is typically fun loving and enjoys rapping freestyle. Vinits are commonly referred to as Virgin Slayers and enjoy the finer things in life, such as the number 69 and waking up in the morning feeling like P. Diddy.

Look at that guy on a boat! He must be a Vinit.

👍283 👎67


A brown person who is usually a player or baller, loves to party and enjoys good times, someone who is fun to be around

Dang that kid is such a vinit

👍715 👎125