Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Verstappening?

Best F1 driver

L = Loser
Loser Hamilton

Max Verstappen you are the world champion, the world champion

- Christian Horner 2021

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Verstappening - what is it?

The 2021 World Champion in F1, an absolute Dutch Legend.

"Who is the world champion in 2021?"
Max Verstappen, man

👍93 👎77

What does "Verstappening" mean?

Belgian-Dutch F1 driver representing the Netherlands in Formula One who drives for Red Bull Racing. He is the 2021 Formula One World Champion.

“Max Verstappen, you are the world champion! The world champion.” - Christian Horner

👍129 👎63

Verstappening - what does it mean?

Dutch Jesus, he made an image of himself from a very young age (son of God, winning a race at 18 years old) and exists to rid the world of a dominant sin (the romans, mercedes) future world champion lets hope he wont be crucified but he will come back to life to win a world champiomship and get toto/ceaser to shut up and i swear to god say get in there lewis one more time

Max Verstappen: i have rid the world of sin
Everyone apart from diehard Hamilton fans: ye damn right you did

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Verstappening - meaning

An incredibly skilled F1 driver, who used to crash a lot in his amateur days, but is much more mature now.

That kid is going to be the next Max Verstappen.

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Verstappening - definition

A verb meaning to be involved in an incident which wasn't totally your fault, but also kind of was. Usually results in an undeserved penalty for the other party involved.

Mark Webber was Verstappening everyone in 2012.

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Verstappening - slang

Term used to describe anyone who tries to overtake someone, hits them and then spins out.

A guy in his Renault spun out when he hit a Ferrari whilst trying to overtake, he's such a Verstappen.

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being super selfish, thinking about your own-self. For example: a member of a team only wants to make sure about his/her records sacrificing team and team-mate's aspirations.

Oh boy, you are verstappening. Not cool!

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An absolute sigma who will take your job and then steal your girl.

R.I.P My Bruddah Kvyat

You gotta watch out for that Verstappen guy, He will absolutely Humiliate you.

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The Verstappening is what happens when a young prodigy enters a sport and takes it over.

Max Verstappen performed a Verstappening in F1

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