Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Vasi?

Russian for bum. Also means Swiss cheese, poor goalkeeping, permeable, porous.

13 goals in 3 games? What a vasy

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Vasi - what is it?

an amazing person who is weird and not afraid to show off her weird by making extremely loud bird noises.

omg, wow shes a vasy!

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What does "Vasi" mean?

The essential element of life and the life-force that governs us; the very subconscious essence of all beings and the bridge to the supernatural and spiritual. In certain strands of ancient mythology it was considered the one thing more indescribable or tangible than the soul. It is said to give rise to all emotions, both outwardly expressed and inwardly inhibited, and be the epicentre of all inexplicable superhuman feats throughout the ages.

The word has long since become pure folklore between less than a mere handful of varying faith tribal leaders still inhabiting the globe, who acknowledge its presence but generally refrain from passing the mantra down to further generations because of rumours of tragic fates meeting a non-believer.

As a result, knowledge of it and its usage have become silently prohibited and it is little wonder the term hasn't died out. There are no known records of the word surviving today barring hearsay, which is varying in its reliability. It is speculated that the word originated as early as 1,700,000 years ago, and it may have been either related to the word Avatar and its origins, or originally nondenominational, despite its adoption into a multitude of early faiths.

I feel the Vasi is strong in this one.

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Vasi - what does it mean?

A godly figure who can please anybody. A legend at any sport he plays and can impress anyone he pleases. Is is rare to find such a god by this name but there is one out there. Perfect girl material and usually has had more than one girl. If you see one, bow down to him because he is a living god.

I saw a Vasi and I was astonished!

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Vasi - meaning

A bad ass bitch who doesn’t take shit from anyone. She will call you out on your bullshit and not give a flying fuck. If you ever meet a Vasi don’t get on her bad side. She is the sweetest until you cross her. She radiates bad bitch energy. She will be your best friend who sticks up for you all the time, gives the best advice, and is always 100% honest.

Wow, she is such a boss ass bitch. She’s definitely a Vasi.

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