Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Ur mum gae?

the british version of "your mom is gay lmfao".

ur mum gae lel. i drunk as f***

👍33 👎13

Ur mum gae - video


Ur mum gae - what is it?

the response 4 yr old fuckhards on xbox live send you

me: 360 noscopes kids

4yr old fuckhard: ur maum gae

ur mum gae

👍27 👎11

What does "Ur mum gae" mean?

If somehow you survived this verbal beating then congratulations, you are one of 7, 697, 699, 099 people that have surpassed the ultimate test of sanity. If not, you have a 99% + 1% chance of being a janitor at Applebee’s. If you are lucky enough to live outside of Donald Trump Land, then you become the fragrance that your dead Grandparents used to put on. Goodluck.

Person 1; ur mum gae

Person 2(in Donald Trump Land): *recieves Applebee’s janitor uniform*

Person 2(outside Donald Trump Land): *recieves fragrance bottle with flower on it*, *gets in fragrance bottle with flower on it*

Person 1: gottem

👍45 👎11

Ur mum gae - what does it mean?

the worst insult ever created by man even better than ur dad lesbian

bob : hey carl you gey
carl: ur mum gae
bob: dies inside

👍159 👎25

Ur mum gae - meaning

A derogatory term used to offend people in public chats

You: Ur mum gae
Mod: B A N N E D

👍301 👎33

Ur mum gae - definition

One of the most devastating insults, that can only be countered by one thing though its very dangerous. That is:

"nO u!"

"uR mUM gAE!"

"wut?! nO u!!!"

👍137 👎17

Ur mum gae - slang

If u are told this u instantly are picked up by Child Protective Services.

Student 1: Ur Mum Gae
Student 2: *Dies*

👍789 👎45

Ur mum gae

Ur mum gae as fuck

Person 1: Ur mum gae
person 2:no you

Person 1: Uno reverse card

👍29 👎15

Ur mum gae

ur mum gae

-ur mum gae
-no u
-no u
-no u
-no u
-no u

*magic happens*

-uno reverse

👍27 👎11

Ur mum gae

The ultimate roast

Me: ur adopted
Adopted child with British accent: ur mum gae
Me: no u
Adopted child with British accent: *kills himself*

👍325 👎27