Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Ur Mommy's a Commie?

a weird way to say your mom In a slang way

Hey! Your mommy dot commy!!
I think you mean your mom.

Yeah, its just a new cool way to say your mom.

👍25 👎11

Ur Mommy's a Commie - video


Ur Mommy's a Commie - what is it?

The absolute worst insult in existence, doesn't even stand a chance against "Ur Family Tree is LGBT"

Ryan: Dude, why would your parents name you "Fuck"? Your mom is so retarded
Fuck: Yeah well Ur Mommy's a Commie
*Ryans'parents implode and he was never born

👍33 👎17

What does "Ur Mommy's a Commie" mean?

The ultimate roast. Cancels out Ur mum gay, ur dad lesbian, ur sister is a mister, ur brother a mother, ur granny tranny and even ur Grandpap a trap

Person 1: Ur mum gay echsdhee
Person 2: Ur dad lesbian
1: Well, ur sister's a mister
2: Ur brother a mother
1: Ur granny tranny
2: Ur Grandpap a trap
1: Yeah, well Ur mommy a commie
*Entire family instantly dies of starvation, every alien race bows down to humanity*

👍45 👎15

Ur Mommy's a Commie - what does it mean?

An alternative to ur Mom gay same thing but worse

Person 1: ur mom gay
Person 2: oh yeah? Well ur mommy a commie

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