Definder - what does the word mean?

What is ur Mom gay?

No u

You: Ur mom gay
Me: No u

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ur Mom gay - video


Ur Mom gay - what is it?

The modern day example of a β€œyo mama so fat” joke. Often used on elementary and middle school play grounds. So yeah... if you don’t wanna sound like a child... say β€œYO MAMA SO FAT, SHE USES THE HIGHWAY AS A SLIP & SLIDE!” . Veteran move.

Edgy 14 year old: Ur mom gay!!!

Edgy 12 year old: no u. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

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What does "ur Mom gay" mean?

What a toxic twelve year old gamer says as an excuse for an insult

Toxic gamer: UR MOM GAY
Me: Yeah so what
Toxic gamer: Oh...

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Ur Mom gay - what does it mean?

ur mom gay

jake: you suck at m i n e c r a f t
jack: no u
jake: ur mom gay
jack: *ruptures brain and fucking dies*

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Ur Mom gay - meaning

ur mom gay: A term originating all the way back to the prehistoric times. It’s an ancient relic that translates to β€œI don’t like you”. This phrase takes your dislike for someone to the next level.

Alfredo: Your hair looks dumb, kid.
Me: Hey Alfredo, ur mom gay.

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Ur Mom gay - definition

The first level of ur mom gay insults.

ur mom gay
ur dad lesbian
ur sisters a mister
ur brothers actually ur mother
ur granny tranny
ur granpap a trap
ur crematorium a sematorium
ur ancestors incestors
ur family tree LGBT

george: ur mom gay
joe: ur dad lesbian
and so on and so forth lmao i aint gonna write that all over again.

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Ur Mom gay - slang

This word was used to defeat Hitler and end slavery for the well being of earth.

Billy: "Tom your a faggot"
Tom: "no u"
Billy: "ur daddy lesbian"
Tom: "your mom gay"
*Billy's family suddenly dies and he has an instant stroke and fucking dies*

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Ur Mom gay

No u

Ur mom gay is the most devastating insult.if someone says this to you,you might as well jump off a bridge

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Ur Mom gay

Please dont use this on someone

Billy : Ur mom gay
You : Ur dad lesbian
*Billy Dies*
*Billys brother is mocking your family*
You : Ur family transgender
*He gets burned and becomes ashes*
*Billys father is mocking your country*
You : Ur country bisexual
*WW3 starts*

Please dont use this if you dont want WW3 to happen.

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Ur Mom gay

One of the ultimate insults, can be reverted by the almighty "No u".

James: hey Alex ur mom gay
Alex: No u
James: *dies*

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