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What is Uber Gay?

A certain Robert C. George

" Rob George is Uber Gay"

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Uber Gay - video


Uber Gay - what is it?

homosexuality to the max

ICP bitches, the other rap is uber gay.

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What does "Uber Gay" mean?

When a behavior or action, is so beyond the realm of tacky or good taste, that it almost defies description.

"Outing" yourself on national TV, during "Pride Weekend", is just UBER GAY!

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Uber Gay - what does it mean?

Anyone who uses the word "Uber" in any spoken, written or recorded form.

Irish step class was uber awesome! .... <--- Uber gay. )

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Uber Gay - meaning

extremely flagrent, or showing acts of homosexuality most of the time, or really gay.

The annapolis mall man, you are really gay. Fuck you bitch.

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Uber Gay - definition

Someone who is so gay that he can't sit down because his ass hurts.

Did you see that person wearing thongs with implanted-looking boobs? That looks uber gay!

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Uber Gay - slang

Something that is extermely gay. Gay to the ten degree.

Someone who plays everquest is uber gay

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Uber Gay

A. Think Richard Simmons and Brian Boitano in hot pink jumpsuits making out; Alternatively, any male Buffy the Vampire Slayer fan.

B. So staggeringly gay that you have to sit down because you just can't function.

When Jim walked in wearing a feather boa and said "Hey-eee!" that might have been the most uber gay thing I've ever seen in my life.

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Uber Gay

so extremely gay, that your so shocked that you have to sit down, and you question your self, asking if everything you knew in life was wrong.

"i saw something i shouldnt have, it was so uber gay, that its hard not to question the meaning of life."

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Uber Gay

A "hoax" to a friend referring that they are really fucking gay.

Carlos is being Uber Gay.

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