Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Tymere?

They are the best. Period. They always making you laugh and making sure you in a good mood but they can get on your nerves. Also very chill and anti-social don’t likes talking all the time

Tymere is the best add my insta- tay_21beast

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Tymere - meme gif

Tymere meme gif

Tymere - video


Tymere - what is it?

the rap group of mannie fresh and baby

Did you get the new Big Tymers cd

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What does "Tymere" mean?

Rap group formed from being hood rich and just living the life
Money,cars,bitches, padz..

The big tymers music videos are dope because they consist of money cars and bitches

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Tymere - what does it mean?

Tymere is a straight asshole,very sarcastic,has curly hair, and energetic.The best call of duty player around with the best dank weed around. Bad tempered and conservative, he gives no fucks about a lot of things and has a short attention span.

Tymere is a straight asshole!

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Tymere - meaning

Tymere is a thurl ass yb, loyal ass bf & very sarcastic & protective , the loyalist friend you can ask for , bad tempered and aggressive but definitely the guy you need in ya life

β€œTymere is a thurl ass yb”

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Tymere - definition

Tymere is one of the best Ps4 fortnite players in the world will fight for what he loves,hidens his emotions and doesnt let the anger get out of him gets a $20 weekly allowance and does nothing with it but buy v-bucks

Tymere is my bestest friend in the world

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Tymere - slang

This person has a gigantic penis, will one day become a pornstar

Damn tymere your going places with that thick juicy cock

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They are the best. Period. They always making you laugh and making sure you in a good mood but they can get on your nerves. Also very chill and anti-social don’t likes talking all the time

Tymere is the best add my insta @tay_21beast

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