Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Tyis?

Anyone with this name is extremely loyal till the end. He’s a fantastic friend/boyfriend that will give you the world, even when you think you don’t deserve it. Even if he’s not there in person he will always be in your corner no matter what. He is loving, kind, determined, respectful, wastes no time and doesn’t like his time being wasted. He puts up with no one’s crap but everyone puts up with his. He can be shady sometimes but believe it or not it’s for your own good. He has a great energy that can make everyone around him feel loved and welcome.

Tyi is my bestie!

👍25 👎11

Tyis - meme gif

Tyis meme gif

Tyis - video


Tyis - what is it?

-a beautiful girl that every guy wishes he had.
-her bubbly energy makes you want to be around her all day !
-not only do the guys love her but shes the best friend ever!

She was so adorable, shes definitly a sammie tyy

👍71 👎67

What does "Tyis" mean?

This boy is to keep. He has a great personality and a great friend, a fellow memer but aren't we all? Loves mobile games, usually plays pubg and 和平精英(China ver or pubg).
He can usually be found sleeping or playing Badminton or watching China youtubers
Smart as heck, but not in English tho. Girls secretly love him, he's cute and funny, he swears but he really cares about your feelings.

A great bro.

Bruhhhh you know tyy? Bruh he cute
BRO I might have a crush on tyy

Bro, tyy? Best friend, best bro

👍45 👎57

Tyis - what does it mean?

Basicaly a alcoholic

Your such a tyy stop drinking

👍107 👎223

Tyis - meaning

A full grown retarded alligator

Person one: let's go to the zoo to see Tyis
Person two: let's feed him some truffle butter!

👍41 👎23

Tyis - definition

touch yourself inappropriately

dude, did Sophie just TYI herself in that piece of shit Jeep?
yeah, she totally TYIed.

👍151 👎133

Tyis - slang

Tyy is a very beautiful person and a very cool person to be around she could be rude sometimes and make some jokes that are interesting but overall she’s a great person ,cheerleader and gf😏‼️ !

Yo u know tyy?
Yeah why?
She’s so cool I wish she was my friend

👍49 👎21


Tyy- a really cool nigga who dont really need.nobody , super loyal and unpredictable . Can also be anti-social at times but loves people

You so tyy😩

👍373 👎251


Thank you Yakuzi. A nonsensical statement that originates from Denmark (2019). Usually used by hardcore slangers and kool kids.
Real wordtards deny this.

RASMUS: "Nice stache, m8". MUSTACHE-MARK: "TYY".

👍77 👎43