Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Twit?

1. A lovely little annoying bird that'll shove their twitter tweet up your throat

2. Nincompoop

3. A nosy human being

#1: You're a twit
#2: I acknowledge that.
#1: It's because you're a twit

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Twit - meme gif

Twit meme gif

Twit - video


Twit - what is it?

Someone who uses twitter, especially someone who uses twitter to an abnormal degree.

John is a twit; he keeps twittering the mundane details of his everyday life.

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What does "Twit" mean?

Originally a twit was a person who annoys or "twits" others. Not unlike other tw words (twaddle, twat, twerp, etc.) and rhymes with nitwit

Now comes "twitter" and twit takes on a whole new definition. It is still someone who annoys others or "twits" them. But now it is someone so infatuated with twitter and their tweets that when not twittering they are talking about twitter and tweets. A twit is someone who has lost the ability to communicate face to face. Someone lacking interpersonal skills.

In person he's a twit.

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Twit - what does it mean?

A word originating from British English used to describe a stupid, idiotic, dimwited, or lacking-common-sense person.

She was such a twit; her enquiry was one of the dumbest I've ever heard. Why would one ask where the wc is in the middle of a lecture?

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Twit - meaning

a pregnant goldfish

omg, he is totally a twit
hes a pregnant goldfish?

👍163 👎153

Twit - definition

One who uses Twitter.

Quit Tweeting, Twit!

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Twit - slang

1. A complete dumbass/fool/retard
2. term for a pregnant fish

1. He's acting like a TWIT agin
2. That TWIT is going to have babies soon

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(n.) Someone with the rare ability to suck their own cock

The other day I walked in on my son sucking his own umm...let's just say he's a twit

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a) an imbecile

b) a user of the social network Twitter

a) He's such a Twit

b) He's such a Twit

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According to Oxford Student's Dictionary: a foolish person

You twit

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