Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Turku?

Someone from Turkey or part of a Turkish-speaking population. The most wonderfully Seussical racist slur you can get.

To your right you will see a Turkus McGurkus. These critters are pink, small, and have tails.

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Turku - meme gif

Turku meme gif

Turku - video


Turku - what is it?

Turku drift is when you drift on Finnish snow.

"Now goes the Turku drift"
or in Finnish

"Nyt lΓ€htee Turku drifti"

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What does "Turku" mean?

"the Turku maneuver", "do the Turku", "the Turku style"

International slang term for smuggling drugs or other tiny objects in one's rectum. Originates from the Finnish phrase, "Turku on Suomen persereikΓ€", as in "Turku is the anus of Finland".

May also refer to anal intercourse.

May also refer to a gay couple.

"Dayme, d'you see that? He passed the customs with the Turku maneuver."

"I've done the Turku so many times it's become a natural."

"The Turku style has become much more popular lately."

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Turku - what does it mean?

A snob who likes to wear non fancy clothes to not stand out in publiv

You are such a turkus

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Turku - meaning

dutch slang for a person who comes from Turkey

This goes out to my turkus in the ghetto

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Turku - definition

City in Finland, Europe. 175000 inhabitants, former capital of state, until Helsinki named new capital in 1812.
Peoples in Turku speak odd dialect of finnish which sounds funny.

mÀÀ ole Turkkusest!
I'm from Turku

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