Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Turdcutter?

a really good looking ass; gender not spcific

damn,that's a nice turdcutter on that chick!!

👍49 👎119

Turdcutter - video


Turdcutter - what is it?

Person who carries out any action that is without thought, reason, or logic. Turdcutter is a term that is interchangeable with jack-ass, jerk off, asshole.

Someone has just cut you off on the highway, "What a turdcutter!"
Your boyfriend/girlfriend cheated on you, "(S)He's a turdcutter!"

👍61 👎125

What does "Turdcutter" mean?

A man or womens rowneye ,asshole,anus,cornhole,talepipe,hershey hishway,poop shoot.Useually a redneck word,Always worthy of a good ole laugh.
I dont care who ya are thats dang funny right there.

Hey Cletus ,yeah Billy bob ,Today I took a big ole shit and I had to use my turdcutter to pinch it off .

👍53 👎89

Turdcutter - what does it mean?

Anus, anal sphincter, ass, cornhole, poopshoot...

Dude .. i'd toss it in her turdcutter... wahhhh!

👍103 👎109

Turdcutter - meaning

Course word for a woman's booty.
Don't use this term for a man's ass or you'll get stomped.

"Ooooh-ee, that Takadra has one fine TURDCUTTER on her."
"I do say, I'm tempted to eat the corn outta her shite."

👍197 👎163

Turdcutter - definition

The often overlooked and ignored aspect of a womans body. Located a mere few inches from her most pleasurable of sexual entrances. Small in size and when properly treated, can bring her and her man ultimate pleasure. Its aroma is amazing and its taste, tangy and zesty. The only place a man can get an ass tortilla or be a bung tonguer. Ones penis can find much pleasure and entertainment there when properly approaching your lady for some fine cornhole action or even just to be a Bum Sniffer. Its form fitting shape is snug against the erect penis and can cause extreme and copius orgasms. A Rectum Rooter sweet spot.

Dave: Hey Frank, why the hell is Steve in such a good mood today.
Frank: His wedding anniversary was this weekend.
Dave: So.
Frank: That's the only time hise wife lets him explore her Turdcutter.
Dave: Now I understand.

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