Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Truckle?

A phrase said by a man named Alex, it doesn't really mean anything but when the time is right you'll know when to say it. With lots of practice you can say it really fast

Guy one- yo he is a super kaknuckle faknuckle bill buckle banana truckle
Guy two- yea he is really stupid

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Truckle - meme gif

Truckle meme gif

Truckle - video


Truckle - what is it?

shrugging off your friends to txt/hangout with a girl you are not getting any from so much that your friends say that your either gay or you like her but you deny that you like her so you must be gay

dude this kid is so pulling a truckle right now. he is txting a sexy mofo that is only his "friend"

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What does "Truckle" mean?

\หˆtrษ™k- el \ ยท \หˆdauฬ‡n\ - adjective

1. : relating to or working on the principle of truckle-down theory <truckleโ€“down economics>

2. : relating to or being an effect caused gradually by remote or indirect influences leading up to the feeling of being run over by a truck

3. : The feeling that you've been hit by a truck by your governments poor decisions.

I am definately feeling the ill-effects of negative government truckle down now that my federal job has been furloughed.

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Truckle - what does it mean?

Getting lucky kills while playing x-box with your friends and trying to obscenly rub it in their face. This is mostly done on Call of Duty by repeating "Did You watch the Kill Cam?" over and over again.

Jake: Ha I just killed you from across the map. Did you watch the Kill Cam?

Ryan: No Jake, i didn't watch the kill cam, I went on living my life you blazing homo. Stop pulling a Truckle

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Truckle - meaning

Depressingly fat Star Trek fan

Gregory found truckle sized Klingon outfits were always evasive.

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Truckle - definition

When your body or mind is in complete disarray

Iโ€™m so damn truckled right now

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Truckle - slang

To yield lamely or obsequiously.

I told you not to truckle to that salesmen's pitch! Now look, you have payed way too much for a computer that you could have gotten elsewhere for half the price.

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