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What is Trimming the hedges?

Sticking your finger in a girls ass while rubbing her shaved area

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Trimming the hedges - video


Trimming the hedges - what is it?

Sticking your finger in a girls ass while rubbing her shaved area

Do you like trimming hedges? Fuck ya

👍25 👎11

What does "Trimming the hedges" mean?

Sticking your finger in a girls ass while rubbing her shaved area

Do you like trimming hedges? Fuck ya

👍25 👎11

Trimming the hedges - what does it mean?

A phrase you utter when someone shows you that they've waxed their pussy.

"Damn! I done heard of trimming the hedges, but you done scorched the earth."

👍139 👎53

Trimming the hedges - meaning

Cutting the pubic hair area. Can be reffered to for both men and women.

i have heard of trimming the hedges, but you have damn scorched teh earth

👍97 👎25

Trimming the hedges - definition

This could be used for men or women. It means to shave the pubic area.

Baby, I ain't nibblin' on your naughty till you trim the goddamn hedges.

👍159 👎25