Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Tred?



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Tred - what is it?

To receive head while running on a treadmill :)

Dude, I got the best tred-head at the gym today.

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What does "Tred" mean?

women on a tredmil looks hot from the back and then you see her front and she is as old or older than your mom

Wow, that chick looked so hot until i found out she was a tred-milf.

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Tred - what does it mean?

Used in the old days meaning to have sex with another of the opposite sex. to totally have to ruffest sex you have ever had. In other words. (beat the hell out of the pussy.)

Ay girl when you goin to let me tred.
or I treded the hell out this girl last night

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Tred - meaning

The top part of your foot, below the shin, and above the toes. Very painful when stomped on.

Man, you just stomped on my tred!, I think I just shattered my tred.

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Tred - definition

The top part of your foot below your shin. Usually hurts like a bitch when it gets stomped on.

Man, you just kicked me in my tred!, Man, I think you shattered my tred

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Tred - slang

To totally destroy something. Usually this thing will have lots of tears and rips in it after the tredding.

I'm gonna tred that piece of.....flannel.

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Tred is a word meaning a variety of things. This word can be an insult, action or a description.

That tred over there is really tredding right now. What a tred move

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