Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Tradies?

When you accidently ash your cigarette in your beer and drink it.

"ahh mate you just ashed ya dart in your beer, want me to grab you a new one?"
"Nah mate I dont mind a bit of the old Tradies Milo"

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Tradies - meme gif

Tradies meme gif

Tradies - video


Tradies - what is it?

A hot Roast Chicken in a bag, purchased from a Supermarket.

Staple lunch item for Tradesmen in Australia

β€œWhat’s for lunch Bazza?”

β€œTradie's Handbag mate. Want a drumstick?”

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What does "Tradies" mean?

A full eshay hype beast who takes photos on golden stairways cause he thinks he's cool. He typically buys tommy Hilfiger, off-white and shops religiously at the secret sneaker store. This breed of person has no money because he spends his small wage on clothing that he never wears

Person 1: I just saw a trady!
Person2: No way! Was he wearing eshay wear?
Person 1: Yep, I bet he has no money too the fucking hype beast

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Tradies - what does it mean?

A person, employed in a trade such as plumbing, carpentry, electrical work who has sadly encountered you driving in front of them on the road and has then had a bad, bad reaction. You have ruined their day.

Rage Tradies can be identified by either the type of Ute, Truck or Van they are driving clearly marked with their company name, or by the use of strong profanity as they tailgate and road rage you and any other motorist who has the misfortune to currently be in their way.

Rage Tradie most often spotted in natural habitat on the road with a mobile phone either at ear or in lap.

Caution - Do Not Engage, you will incite more rage.

Mate, this Rage Tradie has been tailgating us for yonks. Mate, just go round!

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Tradies - meaning

adj. describing someone who trades frequently, as opposed to taking money for goods or services.

"yeah, his work is killer. And he's great if your broke. He takes trades... food, body work, etc. He's pretty trady like that."

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Tradies - definition

1. A tradesman

2. Any one with an occupation such as a plumber or electrician, that has a ute with a tray dog or a white van with PVC tubes attached to the top.

The trady was doing well for himself with his plastering business, finally able to pay off the white trady van (complete with PVC tubes) and take his lovely wife Joyce and the kids out for tea at the pub.

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Tradies - slang

Austrailian tradesman.

At RSVP, we're saying goodbye to the metrosexual male and celebrating our hardworking tradesmen. One winner will be crowned Australia's Hottest Tradie and will take home a brand new Ute plus a host of fantastic prizes.

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Aussie abbreviation for tradesmen.

The tradies are carrying on brisk biz now.

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Is an Australian tradesman who wakes up at piss early in the morning trying to get their girlfriend ready for school.

They then drive their Toyota Hilux to the bakery for a sausage roll and/or pie plus an iced coffee. A tradie is someone who dropped out of grade 10 to go to a trade college or to tafe to get a cert in a trade, they then get an apprenticeship and earn $81,636 a year.

"Come on babe you don't have time school starts in 10 mins"

"It's raining time to clock off"

"Get away from my daughter you shit cunt of a tradie, shes only 12 years old"

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Australian slang word for a Tradesman.

A labourer whom for most of there life, all day, every week-day, stands around talking utter bullshit and constructs part of a house for 75,000 peanuts a year. Aside from acting hard and earning fuck all, funnily think they are somebody special even though they do a job a 10 year-old could learn and do.. Commonly found picking there 17 year-old GF up from school in a clapped out ute/4WD.

"Did you catch that tradie in his Hilux with his retarded co-workers and 15 year-old girlfriend?"

"Haha yeah man, didn't you realize that's normal for them dead shits?!"

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