Definder - what does the word mean?

What is To blade?

A place or places where sex workers do business; in the business of sex work.

I would rather be on the blade than exploited in a minimum wage job.

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To blade - video


To blade - what is it?

1)rapper from Sweden;member of Drain gang who is famous for his autotune abusing.DG closest friends-SAD BOYS(famous for Yung Lean)They had been starting their career together since 2011 and still together

Random1:Hey ya know who is bladee
True Drainer:BLADEE IS GOD

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What does "To blade" mean?

The location where prostitutes and pimps hustle. Also known as the ho stroll or the track

Imma put that ho on the blade tonight.

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To blade - what does it mean?

Bladed it is a saying commonly used by people in South Sacramento when someone or something is β€œweird”, β€œstupid”, or β€œdumb”

β€œBro did you just pour milk in the trash can you bladed it”.

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To blade - meaning

v. To be utterly humiliated by a compatriot; to be betrayed.

Hey Meredith, don't you know what bladed is? It's when you get stabbed in the back, oh bladed!
-Dan the Man

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To blade - definition

A blade blade is a friend who commits to a relationship no matter what and doesn't call any one else there blade blade only you

Hey blade blade!!

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To blade - slang

bladee !

bladee is beautiful i love bladee

Man: "Bladee"
Girl: "Please have rough sex with me"

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To blade

Bladee is the CEO of rap group DrainGang (ShieldGang, GravityBoys). He is a rapper from Sweden. His music will take you to the 6th dimension.

"I've been listening to a lot of Bladee lately."
"Wow. So you're a drainer now?"

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To blade



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To blade

A place where prostitutes stand or walk waiting to get picked up

The location where thots are made A tricks primary pick up and drop location

There is never a dry day on the blade then yoy looking for thots

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