Definder - what does the word mean?

What is The fidget spinner?

a device originally designed to help those with ADHD. unfortunately it has become the cancerous symbol of 12 year old boys

Person 1: Omg look at that little kid! He's playing minecraft!
Person 2: Dude, it's not cool to make fun of kids
Person 1: Hold up. He's got a fidget spinner too!
Person 2: Yea he's fair game

👍25 👎13

The fidget spinner - video


The fidget spinner - what is it?


fidget spinners are cancer

👍129 👎37

What does "The fidget spinner" mean?

A pacifier for the hands

"Hey, look, he's feeling fidgety. Give him a fidget spinner before he crumples all the napkins!

👍5475 👎1901

The fidget spinner - what does it mean?

A stupid toy that doesn't help with ADHD, but creates ADHD in sone kids.

That fidget spinner is so gayy

👍301 👎83

The fidget spinner - meaning

Synonymous with stupid, retarded, dumb, or autistic. Can be used in multiple forms.

Ex: If you can't graduate high school, you're a fidget spinner.

Ex: "Come back here with my bike you fidget spinning pile of shit"

👍565 👎153

The fidget spinner - definition

a device made with originally good intentions made into a cringey trend angsty 12 year olds follow to conduct faggotry

"Haiiiii!!!!!1111!! do you guys like my light up seizure inducing chrome metal hugely overpriced unnecessary fidget spinner!??!!!?"

👍97 👎23

The fidget spinner - slang

A stupid toy for Autism that is now used by a bunch of dumb teens worldwide.

"This fool came to school with a fidget spinner like he's Autistic or something."

👍1579 👎435

The fidget spinner

The dumbest fad to ever catch on with retarded teens. Playing with these will fidgetize you.

"I need my fidget spinner to have friends"

👍473 👎77

The fidget spinner

A toy used for mental illnesses or something of at nature, like ADD, but is used as an expensive 'cool' thing to have by teenagers. Including elementary schools too.

Alex: Lemme see ur fidget spinner
Jake: No dude I spent $30 on this fidget get ur own
Alex: Just a spin?
Jake: u got ADD?
Alex: Nah dude
Jake: I do. So no.

👍495 👎75

The fidget spinner

the only case in history where a bit of plastic and metal doomed the human race

fidget spinners doomed us all

👍459 👎55