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What is The caterpillar?

opium. probably a reference to Alice In Wonderland. users become caterpillars crawling to the pipe. eventually they go into their cocoon and seldom leave their room. in time they become butterflies and fly to heaven.

smoking caterpillar was fun before I got to the cocoon.

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The caterpillar - video


The caterpillar - what is it?

Eating like a caterpillar. It's basically eating a lot and just the good stuff in constant search for more and or better food.

"Hey Steve, I heard your wife is pregnant."
"Yeah that's right George, she is so hungry, that she has to caterpillar through the whole kitchen."

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What does "The caterpillar" mean?

1: A insect that eats leaves and Eventually morphs into a Butterfly ot a Moth

2: A company that makes Construction equipment. Known in the early years of it's history for making Crawler tractors, Or bulldozers. That is why Bulldozers are somtimes referred to as "Cats"

Caterpiller started in 1925 after the merger of Holt and Best, Crawer tractor companys that were strong competitors.

In the 1930's, Caterpillar was the first company in the US to use the Diesel engine in tractors, Demonstrating their economy and power compared to Gas engines. Caterpillar also started using Yellow paint in 1931, as this increased visibility of the tractor on roads (Try seeing a Grey Tractor at night!)

The Crawler tractors started out as agriculteral Tractors, Then in the 1940's Cat started adding blades to their tractors, Creating the first manufactured Bulldozers (Bulldozers before were attachments that were usually homemade). They were used everywere, Including in WW2.

Caterpillar Now has a major line of Construction Machinery, and is more often then not, referred to as Cat. Caterpillar is considered the undisputed Bulldozer King.

1: If that caterpillar eats another leaf, he's got to explode!

2: "We want to clear this land, and make a road up the hill. Get the Cat."

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The caterpillar - what does it mean?

Sex in a sleeping bag, because it looks like a caterpillar.

"Next weekend me and my girlfriend are going camping. We're going to caterpillar all night."

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The caterpillar - meaning

A closet homosexual that will someday break out of his cacoon and be a beautiful butterfly.

A teen working up the courage to come out to his parents is a caterpillar in his cacoon.

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The caterpillar - definition

A unibrow.

Holy shit! Look at that caterpillar! It's fucking HUGE!

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The caterpillar - slang

A term used to describe the way marijuana looks after it is unwrapped when you screw up rolling a joint. The marijuana without the paper, ends up looking like a green caterpillar.

Lindsay- "Oh Manny, you fucked up the joint, re-roll it!"

Manny- "damn you're right (as manny unwraps the joint)"

Andy- "Dude, that bud looks like a caterpillar now!"

Lindsay- "Yeah! like a caterpillar in its Cocoon!"

Andy- "No way dude, it does!"

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The caterpillar

-Refers to a females unkept eyebrows; they are typically thick and dark

"Look at the nasty caterpillars on that girl"

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The caterpillar

When your girlfriend is mad at you so she takes all the blankets and systematically wraps herself up like a caterpillar. This, preventing you from having any blankets... so you have have to sleep in the cold.

Man: I can’t come into work today because I got a cold.

Boss: Who’d you get the cold from?

Man: I got CATERPILLAR(ed) by my girl and was freezing all night..sorry boss.

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The caterpillar

The caterpillar is a bizzare sex position mainly practised in western parts of Africa. Much like fisting, it involves one partner inserting both his/her hands up into the vagina of their partner , right up to the wrist. A substantial amount of time must pass for the position to reach its penultimate stage ( typically 9 months ) of the partner opening his hand out as if holding up the gospel to the priest at mass. This symbolises the birth of a butterfly from a caterpillar - symbolising the ex-partner cleansing the vagina of his/her partner giving them permission to be penetrated by a new johnny vinjizzler.

David broke up with Áine last month and he finally gave her the caterpillar yesterday.

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