Definder - what does the word mean?

What is The Main Man?

My main man = my number one/ my lover / my boyfriend / someone I want to explore dirty analysis fantasies with.

Tammy "Cameron you are my main man, I'll never pick someone else over you:

Shaniqua " Bae you are my main man, you know that. Them other thugs are just playing! "

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The Main Man - video


The Main Man - what is it?

A person says "main man," especially so others may hear, to insinuate that they have a number of friends; the target of "main man" is just one of many friends that this person has. When a person resorts to saying "main man" outloud, he or she wants the world to know that he/she has many friends other than the target of "main man," so often the person who says "main man" may have insecurities or personality traits that result in him/her not having many friends.

The homeless person, who does not have many friends, said "main man" to me to suggest that I was just one of his many friends.

👍43 👎57

What does "The Main Man" mean?

If you're a lady, you want to be discreet. Many men will come and go--sometimes at the same time, but sometimes you have that one dude that you can always rely on. He might live with you, although he might not be your husband. He might float you a little cash occasionally. He's got your back, and you don't want to dissappoint him. He's usually a lover.

I had a good time with Mark--he's fine as hell. I can't slip up and let John find out, though, cause he's my main man.

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The Main Man - what does it mean?

The Maine Man: a legendary Appalachian Trail thru-hiker who walked from Georgia-to-Maine wearing khaki pants, button down shirts, spitting out gangster rap and packing a 9mm.

Posers and losers
Step aside
Cause The Maine Man

Has hit full stride

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The Main Man - meaning

(See: Main Bitch)

main man
n. Not a husband, not a boyfriend, but very close to a main squeeze. Usually the favorite dude/dicks used of several.

"Is that your husband, your boyfriend, or just your main man?"

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The Main Man - definition

A cool guy thats bad at everything

Subscribe to The main man or the_main_man777

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The Main Man - slang

closes home boy or home girl

"see him there thats my main man"

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The Main Man

main man: one that is superior above others
the one that people look up to when they want the job done right

everyone knows J.C. is the MAIN MAN around here

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The Main Man

1)Main man is another defintion as your best friend.
2)My main man is my best bud.

Hanging out with my main man!

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The Main Man

my homeboy or best friend; usually used when the person in question hooks you up with a sweet deal

My main man just hooked me up with courtside seats to the Knicks.

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