Definder - what does the word mean?

What is The DOB?

A common abbreviation for Q'Doba, a popular chain Mexican eatery which serves favorites such as chicken ques, steak burrit, and fajitas

I'm so down for 'dobs...

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The DOB - video


The DOB - what is it?

"Dob" (noun) = Weed
"to dob" or "to dob up" = to smoke weed
"a dobby" = a joint.

-inspired by Dobby the house-elf from Harry Potter. The pillow case he wears resembles the paper of a sloppily rolled joint.

Hey man, give your dude a call....we're all out of dob.

We'll need to pause the movie to go outside to dob up.

I just passed my finals, time to roll a fat dobby!

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What does "The DOB" mean?

Dirty Old Bastard

Stop leering me, you DOB.

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The DOB - what does it mean?

Another name for a supporter of Glasgow Rangers football team. Also known as the huns. Short for Dirty Orange Bastard

What was the score with the Dobs?

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The DOB - meaning

To poke a long, tough object between two buttcheeks in an attempt to make the victim feel uncomfortable. Often performed on males, by males.

Oluranti dobbed me with a metre stick yesterday! I'm considering reporting her for sexual harassment.

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The DOB - definition

quite posibbly the most brutal Psychedelic drug ever after dmt normaly found in tabs or as powder. effects are said to be like knecking a whole bottle of acid and an 8th of meth and can last for days with a avrage dose of about 5mg

dob is insanity personified!!!

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The DOB - slang

To turn someone in. To tell on someone

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tattling, snitching, telling on someone.

I will never forgive you for dobbing on me.

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Term of endearment for Roger Dobkowitz, executive producer of "The Price is Right." Created by members of a TPiR fansite, Mr. Dobkowitz is undoubtedly aware of his nickname, having spelled out "T.H.E.D.O.B." with the first letters of the six pricing games played on a Friday.

"Can't stop The Dob!"

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Australian; v, To tell on, or turn in someone.

To report a person to the authorities.

he dobbed me in, the bastard!

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