Definder - what does the word mean?

What is The Back gate?

A person or person's who stands guard of there back door but secretly wants to find a good fitting key.

it seemed it was a case of a 'back door gate keeper' when questioned about there sexual preferance

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The Back gate - video


The Back gate - what is it?

(1940's) death in prison

- Yo, you need to help us get outta here!!!

- Hey, listen! With all the atrocities you have committed throughout your life, the only way you will find to get outta this shitty place here, son, is the back gate parlor.

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What does "The Back gate" mean?

The Back gate is a place at levenmouth academy where all the junkie basterds go after havin a shag at the goth corner for a fag

You want to go round to the back gate pal?

👍25 👎11

The Back gate - what does it mean?

A place where methill junkies go to get fucked oot there nut on a daily basis

im Gon tae the back gate lod you comin

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