Definder - what does the word mean?

What is The 215?

Proposition 215, also known as the Compassionate Use Act of 1996, was a proposition that was passed on November 5, 1996 in the state of California. It passed with 5,382,915 votes in favor and 4,301,960 against. It allows patients with a valid doctor's recommendation, to possess and cultivate marijuana for personal medical use.

Thanks to Proposition 215, I can now legally smoke weed everyday of my life.

👍97 👎43

The 215 - video


The 215 - what is it?

Proposition 215, Legalize Medical Marijuana so people can use or grow marijuana for medical reasons.

I am prop 215 compliant man!

👍25 👎11

What does "The 215" mean?

The person i love most in this world

The person that means the most to me
The person that i care about

I love you

👍77 👎21

The 215 - what does it mean?

Phrase to link up for sex

Hey let's have a 215 I gotta room at the luxury.

👍95 👎467

The 215 - meaning

A combination of a Steel Reserve (40 oz) and the alcoholic energy Four (10% with wormwood oil) The result is a high percentage forty ounce that tastes like grape. Crusties love it.

This 215 has got me schwilly.

👍51 👎73

The 215 - definition

The area code for Lansdale, PA and other areas around it
Also the collective name of all the bros residing within the same area plus some other honorable bros outside of it.They go hard on a daily basis and have their own symbol, known only to those who are part of 215 or have met members of 215

215 member #1: 215!
215 member #2: 215!!
215 member #3: 215!
and so on...

👍89 👎97

The 215 - slang

Area code of the Greater Philadelphia and some surrounding areas.

Representin the 215!

👍333 👎117

The 215

CA Proposition 215, Leagalize Medical Marijuana so people can use or grow marijuana for medical reasons.

Pass 215 Leagalize The Green!!!!!

👍545 👎199

The 215

Area code of Philly

👍785 👎187

The 215

Slang for Philly aka Philadelphia

The 215: Slang For Philadelphia

Man 1:Aye cuz where you from?
Man 2: Yo im from The 215
Man 1: Yo fo real?
Man 2: Yeah man

👍25 👎11