Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Tarell?

An extremely handsome man Who always smiles but can get mad very easily and who will try to be nice but will tell you something about yourself that he doesn't like, Very intelligent, Gets any girl he wants, Very Toxi, and also has a good sized penis.

Tarell: "Hey bestfriend "/"Your breathe stinks

👍25 👎11

Tarell - meme gif

Tarell meme gif

Tarell - video


Tarell - what is it?

An extremely handsome man Who always smiles but can get mad very easily and who will try to be nice but will tell you something about yourself that he doesn't like, Very intelligent, Gets any girl he want, Very Toxi, Also has a good sized penis.

Tarell: “Hey bestfriend”/“You ugly

👍25 👎11

What does "Tarell" mean?

An extremely handsome man Who always smiles but can get mad very easily and who will try to be nice but will tell you something about yourself that he doesn't like, Very intelligent, Gets any girl he wants, Very Toxi, Also has a good sized penis.

Tarell: "Hey bestfriend "/"You Ugly"

👍27 👎13

Tarell - what does it mean?

A guy who always tries to make people smile, not always the life of a party but usually helps, always looking for a good time, loved by many, usually of african american decent

Man i'm bored, lets go call Tarell

👍103 👎39

Tarell - meaning

An extremely handsome man Who always smiles but can get mad very easily and who will try to be nice but will tell you something about yourself that he doesn't like

Tarell: "Hey bestfriend "/"Your breathe stinks"

👍75 👎15