Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Tandom?

When a girl rides two dicks at the same time

Sharon gave Jack and Jake a dirty tandom

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Tandom - meme gif

Tandom meme gif

Tandom - video


Tandom - what is it?

Another way to describe an interesting sexual experience, it usually occurs while under the influence of mass quantities of alcohol or other substances that my alter your judgement.

I should probably go get some EC so I dont end up with any suprises in a few months because of last nights random tandom pandemonium!

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What does "Tandom" mean?

When Kagiso Rabada bowling a yorker Vs MornΓ© Morkel and then he gives them the Expecto Patokkie.

What is a Random Tandom?

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Tandom - what does it mean?

A popular sex move where an intimate couple is having doggie style sex... The male bear huges the female and springs onto his back while keeping his dick in her vagina... Once on their backs the couple peddles their legs as if riding a bike. Usually used as the final position of the night.

"Im almost about to spurt babe, you wanna move to the tandom bicycle now?"

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Tandom - meaning

When two inconsiderate drivers drive side by side not allowing others to pass.

I wish those damn tandom rollers would get the hell out of the way!

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Tandom - definition

A technique in which friends cross arms, and use eachothers weight too lean back, and pooh, when no sign of tiolet is in view. This technique is mainly used in the woods, where the secret cannot be released to society. Group poohs can also take place, if there is more then two friends in desperate need of relaseing a giant alejandro.

"Hey Chris", "Hey Mike" wanna go tandom this one up.

"Guys, I feel like a group pooh is in order".

"Tandom pooh in five"

"Feels like its time for a little tandom action"

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Tandom - slang

A gay guy or lezbian

boy:he is so tandom

girl:omg she is so tandom

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Getting angry and going insane at the same time. Similar to nerd rage but spiced with crazy, and a side order of stupid.

Tom's stock bottomed out now he is tandom.

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