Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Taly?

She is always making funny jokes and will always be searching for love,tali is a star and she is a QUEEN at everything she does

Tali is so smart
Tali is good at dancing

👍43 👎15

Taly - meme gif

Taly meme gif

Taly - video


Taly - what is it?

A totally crazy girl. She has a wacky sense of style and is extremely outgoing and friendly. Tali has a ton of friends and always has a boyfriend. She's a little perverted and doesn't care what other people think. This results in her originality, but also offends some people. Tali has very very dark brown hair and dark brown eyes.

Look at her clothes, they're so colorful!
She must be a Tali

👍207 👎105

What does "Taly" mean?

An awesome but sensative friend you can rely on.

Cara is a tottal Tali, but, thats why we are friends!!

👍545 👎285

Taly - what does it mean?

An awesome artistic athletic girl. The three A's. Shes always up for an adventure.Shes also Beautiful bright and brainy.

Boy 1: Aww man that tali, shes something!
Boy 2: Oh I know i hardly even know her and shes hard to resist!!

👍615 👎307

Taly - meaning

A girl who people love especially people that names begin with C and end wit M.If you know what i mean.She has very Beatiful traits inside and out its hard to resist.

C-M: I love Tali shes soo pretty and cute.

C-----M: Me too!

C-M:Everyone does

👍277 👎127

Taly - definition

Military shorthand for "Taliban", the terrorist group that ran Afghanistan from 1996-2001, got chased out by the American military, only to come back 20 years later and take it over again.

When I was in Afghanistan, we got in a firefight with about 25 Tali, I'm not sure how we got out of there alive, but we did.

👍37 👎11

Taly - slang

Mai waifu

Tali is mai waifu

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voluptuous beauty, everyone loves you!

Damn baby got back! Her name must be Talie!

👍209 👎49


A girl thats mostly quiet around strangers but is really outgoing around friends. She likes sports and dancing. She can be clumsy but it's considered cute by people. She is a drama queen and takes things to the heart. She believes in second chances, but after that you're done. She is considerate and kind and also very pretty and classy, never a slut. She can be whatever age and still be a teenager at heart.

Person 1- You remind me of my friend Tali.

Person 2- ...Is that a good thing?

Person 1- If you consider being beautiful funny and sweet good, then yes.

Person 2- Fine with me (:

👍615 👎97


The girl's name Taly is Diminutive of Talia (Hebrew) "heaven's dew"
She is someone who is lovable, health conscious, free spirited bubbly, easy to laugh, energetic, charming, good with people, usually has fiery red hair.

" gotta get me some Taly tonight"

👍105 👎27