Definder - what does the word mean?

What is TWO hands?

Used to describe something that is ghetto. Word originally came from "Two Hand Touch" Football, the crappy way to play football.

When I went to McDonalds I got a Big Mac and it didn't look shit like the one on the comerical. That Big Mac was Two Hand Touch!!!

👍95 👎79

TWO hands - video


TWO hands - what is it?

As made popular by "How I Met Your Mother"

When a girl most likely in Canada as it is a Canadian sex act is wearing nothing but two skates on her hands

Stan: Aw, man you should have seen Natalia she I walked in from the ice rink and she was doing the two handed zamboni!

Ron: Nice!

👍111 👎99

What does "TWO hands" mean?

Verb. A sex position where the female goes into a bridge position while the male enters her vaginally in a standing position. He may have to bend his knees slightly to achieve this and should support her lower back with both his hands

The name was first introduced on the sitcom How I Met Your Mother.

They did the two-handed zamboni last night

👍89 👎57

TWO hands - what does it mean?

Two handed version of the shocker.

If you thought that she liked the shocker, give the two handed shocker!

👍53 👎25

TWO hands - meaning

A bowler that bowls with two hands on the bowling ball opposed to only using one hand. they generally get more speed and rotation on the bowling ball which creates more pin action, and more room on the lane for error thus resulting in getting more strikes.

those guys, Jason Belmonte, Kevin Perreira, and osku pallerma are two handed legends

👍31 👎11

TWO hands - definition

a sex act to be performed on a frozen lake, pond or skating rink. the two handed Zamboni is identical to the inverted wheelbarrow with one exception the man wears ice skates and the woman wears ice skates on her hands ... and is only considered a successful two-handed Zamboni when performed while moving across the ice.

Guy and Veronica almost got da frostbite when they did da two-handed Zamboni last Tuesday, ay.

👍165 👎57

TWO hands - slang

When two hands are placed on the penis and rotated in opposite directions during foreplay. This motion is very pleasurable for men.

Person 1: "Yo, how did things go with Jenny last night?"
Person 2: "We started making out, and then she gave me a two-hand tornado! It made me cum instantly!"

👍25 👎13

TWO hands

Breasts that are cup size D or larger which would require the partner of the owner to use two hands when handling them individually.

"Dude, I fucked UP! I cheated on Sarah and she wont return my calls!."


"Sarah. She had two handed titties."

"Damn. You Suck."

👍53 👎11

TWO hands

One of the greatest Australian films of all time. Plenty of blood and guts and fuckin good cars. Top story as well.

"Shoties are good, mate".
"The wrong choices can really fuck you up."
Two Hands is fuckin brilliant.

👍43 👎15

TWO hands

The act of grabbing a woman's head with two hands to pull her mouth over your penis as you cum to force her to swallow your semen.

She said she wasn't into swallowing, but when I was ready I interlocked my fingers and gave her a two-handing she won't soon forget.

👍81 👎29