Definder - what does the word mean?

What is TROLLY?

Having the appearance of a troll, usually a big nose, or big ears, and a long face. Popular trolly women are: Sarah Jessica Parker, and Cher.

Werewolf: Did you see the new Sex and the City movie?
Puck: Yeah, I was dragged kicking and screaming to it last night.

Werewolf: Even though Sara Jessica Parker is quite trolly, I'd still throw it in her.

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TROLLY - meme gif

TROLLY meme gif

TROLLY - video


TROLLY - what is it?

A more discreet word for male masturbation. It allows men to openly talk about their masturbation habits with one another, without the average human knowing what is being said.

Friend 1: β€œBrah I can’t wait to ride the trolly when I get home”

Friend 2: β€œSame brah. I’ve been waiting to hop on The Trolly To Handtown all day!”

Friend 1: β€œHopefully I don’t get trolly grease all over my wagon shaft again!”

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What does "TROLLY" mean?

To be physically or mentally (or both) impaired due to excessive substance (alcohol or any other drug) intake. Derived from the commonly used British expression "To be off one's trolly."

"I went to the pub last night with the intention of having only one pint, but I ended up getting completely trollied and made a fool of myself."

"Look at that drunken lunatic. He's completely off his trolly....I mean....utterly trollied."

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TROLLY - what does it mean?

Antiquated and out dated form of transportation. Also used in the term wordhop on the trolly/word. Which means catch the oppurtunity, get on the go, or do the latest trend.

Hop on the trolly!

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TROLLY - meaning

adjective. characteristic of, or like, a troll. The adjective form of troll. Describes something an Internet or real-life troll would do, or may be used to describe a person who in some ways resembles an Internet troll. May also be used to encompass any or all acts of trolling. Trolling is a trolly thing to do, as are many other actions which may fall under the growing and loose definition of trolling. Has a slightly positive connotation.

Accepting a job for the signing bonus and then bailing is a trolly thing to do. Good thing they'd never let you get away with it.

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TROLLY - definition

Getting totally drunk on a night out

you know nick?
he got trollyed last night!

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TROLLY - slang

pissed as a fart, mashed, wrecked, tipsy, inebriated, very very drunk

Beating Germany Five:Nil was the excuse Jasper gave for getting so trollied he couldn't remember his name.

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Totally wasted/inebriated/intoxicated/blotto...

After that fifth of whistky we were totally fucking trollied!

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Knickers Panties

Pull your trollies down

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To get so drunk that you have to be moved around in a shopping trolley.

Rachelle got so trollied the other night that she woke up in a public bathroom covered in mayo and couldn't remember why.

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